Article ESG in HR - hype or a real opportunity for success?
Interview with Klaus Konrad, Effectory, and Frank Gierschmann, hkp///group

ESG in HR - hype or a real opportunity for success?

Ecological and social sustainability are moving into the focus of society, politics and companies. As a result, HR is facing new challenges. talks to Klaus Konrad, Effectory, and Frank Gierschmann, hkp///group. read more ...

Article Patrick Maloney strengthens strategy and transformation consulting at hkp/// group
Change-experienced HR and communications expert joins hkp/// group as Senior Director

Patrick Maloney strengthens strategy and transformation consulting at hkp/// group

Effective December 1, 2023, Patrick Maloney joins hkp/// group, a management consultancy specializing in strategic HR management and corporate governance, as a new Senior Director. read more ...

Article Blueprinting & EX: Power package for process design in HR transformation
An interview with Peter Dodell, Siemens Energy, and David Voggeser & Marc Popic, hkp/// group

Blueprinting & EX: Power package for process design in HR transformation

Blueprinting helps to optimize business processes, identify interfaces between HR and its customers and design them sustainably. EX Design can provide effective support. read more ...

Article HR analytics for the workforce of the future 
Event summary of the half-day conference hosted by hkp/// group, ifo Institute and LMU Munich/PPA

HR analytics for the workforce of the future 

On October 18th, 2023 in Munich, professionals from companies and academia discussed the potential of HR analytics with a focus on the workforce of the future. Key perspectives can be found in this review. read more ...

Article HR trends in the Aviation Industry
Despite returning to profitability after turbulent years, the aviation industry faces numerous HR challenges. Insights from an industry expert.

HR trends in the Aviation Industry

Despite returning to profitability after turbulent years, the aviation industry faces numerous HR challenges. Insights from an industry expert. read more ...

Article Delivering a clear vision: HR in the transformation driver’s seat
Johannes Brinkkötter and Petra Knab-Hägele on findings from the hkp// group Transformation Lab

Delivering a clear vision: HR in the transformation driver’s seat

The hkp/// group Transformation Lab recently brought together HR managers for an exchange on aspects of building, dismantling and transforming companies. A conversation about learnings and experiences. read more ...

Article Human Capital Management as part of EESG
A Viewpoint by Dr. Harriet Sebald and Michael H. Kramarsch

Human Capital Management as part of EESG

The focus of investors on ESG is also moving HR into the spotlight. Investors expect information on human capital management (HCM). Dr. Harriet Sebald and Michael H. Kramarsch classify the developments on the basis of current studies. read more ...

Article The Power of HR Data: Future impulses in a historical setting
Review of the PPA-Summit 2022 of LMU, ifo Institute and hkp// group

The Power of HR Data: Future impulses in a historical setting

The future of HR management is data-driven. The PPA-Summit of LMU, ifo Institute and hkp// group outlined potentials, prerequisites and challenges. An inspiring exchange of leaders from science and business. read more ...

Article Evermood wins HR Start-up Award 2022
7th award ceremony for founders in human resources management

Evermood wins HR Start-up Award 2022

With Evermood, the audience at the Human Resources Management Congress in Berlin voted a platform for promoting mental health onto the winner’s podium. read more ...

Article Performance Management quo vadis - the end of Best Practices?
hkp// group consultants Karolin Schaper and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by

Performance Management quo vadis - the end of Best Practices?

Where is the journey in performance management heading to? hkp// group consultants Karolin Schaper and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by read more ...

Article HCM: By no means a fad
Human Capital Management will soon be impacting the entire corporate landscape

HCM: By no means a fad

Human Capital Management and ESG as focus topics of the DGFP network meeting on September 8, 2022. read more ...

Article Employee retention - a major challenge throughout the world
Frank Gierschmann and David Voggeser interviewed by

Employee retention - a major challenge throughout the world

The USA is experiencing one of the largest waves of resignations ever. hkp/// group experts Frank Gierschmann and David Voggeser explain what exactly this is all about and how it relates to the German-speaking market. read more ...

Article Tailor-made personnel management: because HR doesn't just revolve around HR
Andrea Sattelmayer and Marc Popic interviewed by

Tailor-made personnel management: because HR doesn't just revolve around HR

HR must contribute to business success. Does an organizational model that is several decades old still fit in? According to hkp/// group experts Andrea Sattelmayer and Marc Popic, it all depends on the right implementation. read more ...

Article Employee representatives view the use of AI in HR with a certain amount of skepticis
Update zur Umfrage des Bundesverbands für Personalmanager BPM & Ethikbeirat HR-Tech

Employee representatives view the use of AI in HR with a certain amount of skepticis

Co-determination side and HR are equally in favor of clear ethical frameworks in the use of AI and modern technologies. Update on the survey by the German Association for Human Resource Managers BPM & Ethics Advisory Board HR-Tech. read more ...

Article Siemens Energy: proprietary IT infrastructure for Comp & Ben
Peter Dodell from Siemens Energy and hkp/// group Partner Holger Jungk interviewed by

Siemens Energy: proprietary IT infrastructure for Comp & Ben

Why do some people prefer standard HR IT solutions and others new systems? HR IT experts Holger Jungk, hkp/// group, and Peter Dodell from Siemens Energy talked to read more ...

Article SuccessFactors versus Workday – Intelligent guidance for HR IT suite selection
The hkp// group regularly conducts selection processes for HR IT suites as well as other HR software solutions

SuccessFactors versus Workday – Intelligent guidance for HR IT suite selection

The hkp// group regularly conducts selection processes for HR IT suites as well as other HR software solutions. A conversation about the experiences with AI-based approaches in determining strengths and weaknesses of applications. read more ...

Article Investors are looking for effective HR management reporting in DAX companies
hkp/// group HCM Monitor DAX 2021 – in collaboration with DGFP, DIRK and the Academy of Labour

Investors are looking for effective HR management reporting in DAX companies

hkp/// group HCM Monitor DAX 2021: Initial international analyses of non-financial reporting on human capital management reveals considerable room for improvement when it comes to content, scope, consistency, and integration. read more ...

Article HCM: new quality of HR communication required
Kai H. Helfritz, Member of the Executive Board of DGFP - the German Society for Human Resource Management, in an interview with

HCM: new quality of HR communication required

ESG issues are playing an increasingly important role for investors. This also includes aspects of human capital management (HCM). Kai H. Helfritz, Member of the Management Board of DGFP, talks about the consequences for HR. read more ...

Article HCM: How investors are strengthening German co-determination interview on the topic of human capital management

HCM: How investors are strengthening German co-determination

What does the investor view of HCM lead to? An interview with Tanja Jacquemin, specialist/lecturer on supervisory boards and corporate co-determination, and Rainer Gröbel, head of the Academy of Labor and former head of HR at IG Metall. read more ...

Article HCM: new requirements for investor relations
An interview with Kay Bommer, Managing Director of DIRK - the German Investor Relations Association

HCM: new requirements for investor relations

After BlackRock focused its attention more on human capital management (HCM) at the beginning of the year, the question for IR is what the consequences will be. in conversation with DIRK Managing Director Kay Bommer. read more ...

Article Threat of data protection penalties: What measures companies must take
A LinkedIn article by hkp/// group Managing Partner Michael H. Kramarsch

Threat of data protection penalties: What measures companies must take

According to the latest data protection ruling by the CJEU, the transfer of personal data from the EU to the USA is no longer permitted. On LinkedIn Michael H. Kramarsch summarizes important measures companies should be considering now. read more ...

Article Investors’ focus on Human Capital Management – opportunity for HR
Institutional investors are increasingly focusing on ESG (environmental, social, governance) issues - HCM aspects are being prioritized more than ever

Investors’ focus on Human Capital Management – opportunity for HR

At first, the investors' focus was on financials, then governance issues played a key role, followed by a broader view on sustainability. In the meantime, human capital management (HCM) issues are being prioritized more strongly. read more ...

Article 6th HR Start-up Award: application stage started!
The award for founders with solutions for the future of work

6th HR Start-up Award: application stage started!

In 2021, the BPM, hkp// group, Human Resources Manager Magazin and Quadriga are once again calling on all founders in the HR sector to apply for the very recognized HRM innovation award. read more ...

Article #10YearsForward: Shaping a better future together!
A birthday letter from Michael H. Kramarsch

#10YearsForward: Shaping a better future together!

The hkp/// group celebrates its 10th birthday in 2021 - 10 years of commitment to a better, future-proof working world, in short: #10yearsforward. Founder and Managing Partner Michael H. Kramarsch looks ahead to the year of hope. read more ...

Article The hkp/// group Retention Management Toolbox
Mitarbeiterbindung in der Krise: Fluktuationskosten senken, Leistungsträger halten

The hkp/// group Retention Management Toolbox

Cost and process optimization, restructuring and downsizing are key concepts in times of crisis. At the same time, it is important to retain important talents. The Retention Management Toolbox supports you in this. read more ...

Article Retain for Success: Employee retention for the upswing
David Voggeser & Leon Jacob interviewed by

Retain for Success: Employee retention for the upswing

In an interview with, the hkp/// group experts David Voggeser and Leon Jacob report on the balancing act of having to build up and reduce staff at the same time - and, above all, to retain employees who are critical to success. read more ...

Article HR Start-up Award: Making time for innovation
Michael H. Kramarsch interviewed by

HR Start-up Award: Making time for innovation

At the HR Start-up Award 2020 there were again innovations for HR management to be discovered. Michael H. Kramarsch explains why it is important to keep an eye on start-ups, especially in times of crisis, in an interview with read more ...

Article Twin winners of HR Start-up Award 2020
Danielle Software & Service and Userlane scoop the coveted start-up prize

Twin winners of HR Start-up Award 2020

HR Management Congress awards first place to solution for agile staff organization and software learning tool: Danielle Software & Service and Userlane scoop the coveted start-up prize. read more ...

Article HR digitization in banks: the crisis as a catalyst
Petra Knab-Hägele and Holger Jungk interviewed by

HR digitization in banks: the crisis as a catalyst

Fintechs and online provider have long been challenging traditional banks. Now the corona crisis is increasing the pressure to become more efficient digitally. HR can contribute to this. Petra Knab-Hägele and Holger Jungk explain how. read more ...

Article HR Start-up Award 2020: Call for applications started
The innovation award of the personnel management congress 2020

HR Start-up Award 2020: Call for applications started

In June, BPM, Quadriga University, Human Resources Manager Magazine and hkp/// group will host the HR Start-up Award for the fifth time. Finalists can look forward to business coaching, networking and plenty of attention. Apply now! read more ...

Article Digital transformation as a driver of corporate development
Interview with Monika Hablick (EnBW) and former hkp/// group expert Leon Jacob

Digital transformation as a driver of corporate development

You can only become a digital champion in a corporate culture open for digital transformation. Monika Hablick of EnBW and the former hkp/// group expert Leon Jacob explain how to provide the right mindset. read more ...

Article HR digitization and internal social networks at Endress+Hauser
Interview on DHBW Lörrach and hkp/// group study HR Drives Digital

HR digitization and internal social networks at Endress+Hauser

Michelle Rowbotham (Endress+Hauser) and Prof. Dr. Michael Lindemann (DHBW Lörrach) talk about the challenges on the road to becoming a digital champion - and the role that internal digital networks play. read more ...

Article AI in talent management—everyone’s talking about it, but is anyone doing it?
Sabrina Müsel and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by

AI in talent management—everyone’s talking about it, but is anyone doing it?

The hkp/// group experts Frank Gierschmann and Sabrina Müsel discuss the current use of artificial intelligence and modern technology in talent management. read more ...

Article Internal digitalization: executive managers as the key to success
Marco Klein (TRUMPF) and Holger Jungk (hkp/// group) interviewed by

Internal digitalization: executive managers as the key to success

HR digitalization experts Marco Klein (TRUMPF) and Holger Jungk (hkp/// group) report on the TRUMPF Group’s path to becoming a digital champion and explain what the most important aspect is when implementing a new HR system. read more ...

Article Employee Experience: a factor for success
BPM-Präsidiumsmitglied Felicitas von Kyaw und hkp/// group Experte Leon Jacob im Interview

Employee Experience: a factor for success

Felicitas von Kyaw, Präsidiumsmitglied im Bundesverband der Personalmanager (BPM), im Gespräch mit Leon Jacob, Senior Manager hkp/// group, zu dem agilen Trendthema Employee Experience. read more ...

Article Digitalization: HR is catching up
Press Information - results of the study "HR drives digital"

Digitalization: HR is catching up

HR organizations have caught up with digitalization but are not yet active as digital drivers in companies. These are the main findings of the study "HR drives digital" by hkp/// group and Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach (DHBW). read more ...

Article Creating HR Transformation
hkp/// group Innovation Lab - the new event format

Creating HR Transformation

In spring 2019 a new event format started: the hkp/// group Innovation Lab. HR experts, forward thinkers as well as corporate professionals came together discussing solutions for the transformation of the personnel management. read more ...

Article Guidelines for the use of AI in HR work
Launch of broad public consultation process

Guidelines for the use of AI in HR work

HR-Tech Ethics Advisory Board presents draft guidelines on the application of artificial intelligence in modern HR management read more ...

Article Additional benefits: The fish needs to take the bait!
Andrea Sattelmayer and Holger Jungk interviewed by

Additional benefits: The fish needs to take the bait!

A golden anniversary wristwatch is a smybol of the benefits of the Old Economy. Does this sit well with the new ways of working? How does digitalization affect the provision of benefits? read more ...

Article HR Business Partners: Training is essential
hkp /// group expert Johannes Brinkkötter talks to

HR Business Partners: Training is essential

A lot is expected of HR Business Partners. They need comprehensive training if they are to do their job well. hkp /// group expert Johannes Brinkkötter talks to read more ...

Article Think and act holistically when choosing software
Holger Jungk interviewed by

Think and act holistically when choosing software

Is it better to choose an integrated HR solution from a single manufacturer or to combine the best modules from a number of different manufacturers into a single HR software platform? read more ...

Article Digitalization and Agility: New Approaches in HR
Dr Harriet Sebald and Johannes Brinkkötter talking to

Digitalization and Agility: New Approaches in HR

hkp/// group is inviting guests to a new kind of event: The hkp/// Innovation Lab. The initiators of the new event format, Dr Harriet Sebald and Johannes Brinkkötter, were talking to read more ...

Article Evergreen/relic? 20 years of the Dave Ulrich model interview with hkp/// group expert Johannes Brinkkötter

Evergreen/relic? 20 years of the Dave Ulrich model discussed current developments in the scope and organization of the HR role with hkp/// group expert Johannes Brinkkötter. read more ...

Article HR in Transformation
More focus on employees, less process-centric thinking

HR in Transformation

Who says A, must also implement B. This is more or less the present state of things in the transition to modern personnel management. An interview with the hkp /// group expert Johannes Brinkkötter. read more ...

Article Holger Jungk and Johannes Brinkkötter, new hkp/// group partners
Energie- und Digitalisierungs-Know-how für die hkp/// group

Holger Jungk and Johannes Brinkkötter, new hkp/// group partners

Strengthening the hkp/// group HR Strategy & Transformation segment: Former Managing Director of the E.ON Group business service unit joins the consultancy. In addition, Holger Jungk is appointed as Partner and board member. read more ...

Article Candidate Experience as Key in Agile Recruiting
hkp/// group expert interview

Candidate Experience as Key in Agile Recruiting

Over recent years, attracting suitably qualified employees has emerged as a major success factor. hkp/// group Senior Manager Leon Jacob explains the background and the potential of candidate-focused recruiting. read more ...

Article How can Companies leverage Recruiting to drive Success?
Talent acquisition in an applicant-driven Environment

How can Companies leverage Recruiting to drive Success? spoke to hkp/// group expert Frank Gierschmann about the necessary transformation of recruiting practices and how professionals in the field need to adapt. read more ...

Article Digitizing HR – Commitment is often lacking
Study "HR goes digital"

Digitizing HR – Commitment is often lacking

Findings of a joint study by hkp/// group and Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) shows that digital maturity of HR in many companies is not nearly as far advanced as expected. read more ...

Article On-Site-Support
Personnel Support and Interim Management


Whether you a need an experienced senior manager to take charge of your HR department or a team of young consultants to help you implement a new HR tool, we have the right solution for you. read more ...