Article Global Equity Insights Survey 2024
The most comprehensive analyses of worldwide market practice of equity-based compensation

Global Equity Insights Survey 2024

Equity-based compensation continues to grow in importance as persistent inflation and geopolitical tensions across the globe remain prevalent. For more insights visit the executive summary. read more ...

Article Sustainability increasingly important for equity-based compensation
Results of the world's most comprehensive study on equity-based compensation and employee participation

Sustainability increasingly important for equity-based compensation

With the Global Equity Insights Survey (GEIS) 2023, the hkp/// group publishes the world's leading study on current market practice in share-based compensation and employee participation for the eleventh time. read more ...

Article The Intersection Of ESG And Executive Incentive Plans
An article by Phil Johnson and Tara Tays from Pay Governance

The Intersection Of ESG And Executive Incentive Plans

More and more companies are integrating ESG goals into executive incentive plans. Phil Johnson and Tara Tays from Pay Governance, our partner for North America and Asia, report on how this is being done in a compact article. read more ...

Article Long-term Incentives in times of economic crisis
An interview with Barry Kitz and David Voggeser

Long-term Incentives in times of economic crisis

Multi-year share-based variable compensation is facing key challenges in the wake of multiple crisis. Barry Kitz and David Voggeser discuss options for action in times of economic uncertainty. read more ...

Article Job evaluation: Agility – a driving force of innovation
John Pfeiffer and Verena Vandervelt interviewed by

Job evaluation: Agility – a driving force of innovation

hkp// group Senior Directors John Pfeiffer and Verena Vandervelt on innovative and field-tested approaches to grading/job evaluation under dynamic conditions. read more ...

Article HCM: By no means a fad
Human Capital Management will soon be impacting the entire corporate landscape

HCM: By no means a fad

Human Capital Management and ESG as focus topics of the DGFP network meeting on September 8, 2022. read more ...

Article Organizational benchmarks - executive resources in different functional families
hkp/// group Workforce Insights Snippets, Part 4

Organizational benchmarks - executive resources in different functional families

How does the number of executives at different value levels develop in different function families? Compensation experts Verena Vandervelt and Sabrina Müsel provide answers. read more ...

Article Development of employee numbers and executive headcount at major German companies
hkp/// group Workforce Insights Snippets, Part 3

Development of employee numbers and executive headcount at major German companies

How is the relationship between managers and employees evolving in times of transformation? In part 3 of the hkp/// group Workforce & Compensation Insights, experts Jennifer S. Schulz and Sabrina Müsel provide answers. read more ...

Article Employee retention - a major challenge throughout the world
Frank Gierschmann and David Voggeser interviewed by

Employee retention - a major challenge throughout the world

The USA is experiencing one of the largest waves of resignations ever. hkp/// group experts Frank Gierschmann and David Voggeser explain what exactly this is all about and how it relates to the German-speaking market. read more ...

Article Grading needs governance – and not at corporates
Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser interviewed by

Grading needs governance – and not at corporates

In times of increasing agility and internationality, central governance is needed in the evaluation of positions and functions. Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser in conversation. read more ...

Article IPO Readiness: To Dos for Board and Compensation Committees
A viewpoint by Pay Governance, strategic hkp/// group Alliance Partner North America and Asia

IPO Readiness: To Dos for Board and Compensation Committees

An IPO concerns the core areas of a company. In addition to aspects such as incentives for executives, there are other tasks and governance issues for the management. read more ...

Article Rising inflation – implications for compensation?
Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser interviewed by

Rising inflation – implications for compensation?

The topic of inflation is once again moving into the public focus. But what does this mean for compensation and potential salary adjustments? spoke with hkp//group experts Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser. read more ...

Article Company car regulations in an era of electromobility and working from home
hkp/// group experts David Voggeser and Jonas Friedrich interviewed by

Company car regulations in an era of electromobility and working from home

For the topic of company cars and mobility in the workplace, the past year was special due to increasing electromobility and home office, among other things. A conversation with hkp/// group experts Jonas Friedrich and David Voggeser. read more ...

Article Grading as a strategic tool
Press release on the hkp/// group study Grading during Transformation 2021

Grading as a strategic tool

Grading during Transformation 2021, a cross-industry study by consultancy firm hkp/// group, shows a clear shift in the design, use and spread of job grading. read more ...

Article hkp/// group Top Management Survey – more than just a compensation survey
An interview with Verena Vandervelt and David Voggeser

hkp/// group Top Management Survey – more than just a compensation survey

hkp/// group's Top Management Survey developed into an essential tool for HR and compensation in MDAX and similarly sized non-listed companies. Verena Vandervelt and David Voggeser explain why. read more ...

Article Equity-based compensation trends reflect global challenges
Global Equity Insights Survey 2021 provides latest insights on global market practice of equity-based compensation

Equity-based compensation trends reflect global challenges

Equal Pay is top priority, say-on-pay votes also affect equity-based compensation, COVID-19 viewed as one-off exogenic shock: Global Equity Insights Survey 2021 provides insights on global market practice of equity-based compensation. read more ...

Article Global Equity Insights Survey 2021
The most comprehensive analyses of worldwide market practice of equity-based compensation

Global Equity Insights Survey 2021

Volatile markets, external forces and global shocks have significantly influenced equity programs over the past year, according to the ninth edition of the Global Equity Insights Survey. Check out the study flyer for insights. read more ...

Article Fair pay: Societal change is needed im Interview mit Henrike von Platen und Jennifer S. Schulz

Fair pay: Societal change is needed

Das Entgelttransparenzgesetz wird vier Jahre alt. Hat es eingelöst, was sich die Verfasserinnen und Verfasser versprochen haben? Henrike von Platen, Fair Pay Innovation Lab, und Vergütungsexpertin Jennifer S. Schulz im Interview. read more ...

Article hkp/// group acclaims three new partners: Nina Grochowitzki, Dr. Pia Lünstroth, and David Voggeser
The next generation of internal talent is joining the executive board of the international HR management consultancy

hkp/// group acclaims three new partners: Nina Grochowitzki, Dr. Pia Lünstroth, and David Voggeser

With Nina Grochowitzki, Dr. Pia Lünstroth, and David Voggeser, the hkp/// group is welcoming three new members to its circle of partners. All three consultants have been on board since the founding of the consultancy in 2011. read more ...

Article Drivers of executive compensation worldwide
2021 conclusions from the Global ExecuNet (GEN) survey

Drivers of executive compensation worldwide

For the tenth year in a row, hkp/// group has examined Top Executive compensation in a global context. This article provides insights in a 2021 special analysis on drivers of executive compensation in selected countries worldwide. read more ...

Article Investors’ focus on Human Capital Management – opportunity for HR
Institutional investors are increasingly focusing on ESG (environmental, social, governance) issues - HCM aspects are being prioritized more than ever

Investors’ focus on Human Capital Management – opportunity for HR

At first, the investors' focus was on financials, then governance issues played a key role, followed by a broader view on sustainability. In the meantime, human capital management (HCM) issues are being prioritized more strongly. read more ...

Article #10YearsForward: Shaping a better future together!
A birthday letter from Michael H. Kramarsch

#10YearsForward: Shaping a better future together!

The hkp/// group celebrates its 10th birthday in 2021 - 10 years of commitment to a better, future-proof working world, in short: #10yearsforward. Founder and Managing Partner Michael H. Kramarsch looks ahead to the year of hope. read more ...

Article Don’t let your remuneration policy ruin your IPO
hkp/// group Expert Interview

Don’t let your remuneration policy ruin your IPO

A lot of preparatory work is needed for a successful IPO. In an interview with, hkp// group experts Petra Knab-Hägele and Dr. Jan Dörrwächter explain which measures are important in HR and compensation. read more ...

Article IVV 4.0 – What lies ahead for German institutions
hkp/// group experts Isabel Jahn and Petra Knab-Hägele interviewed by

IVV 4.0 – What lies ahead for German institutions

The consultation draft for the new version of the Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions (IVV 4.0) preoccupies HR managers in financial institutions. talks with Isabel Jahn and Petra Knab-Hägele about the upcoming changes. read more ...

Article Corporate start-ups: Combining the best of both worlds doesn’t work
Viktoria Jahn and Petra Knab-Hägele interviewed by

Corporate start-ups: Combining the best of both worlds doesn’t work

More and more established companies are founding or buying start-ups. hkp/// group experts Viktoria Jahn and Petra Knab-Hägele explain, how these corporate start-ups are organizationally linked and how they compensate. read more ...

Article Corporate start-ups: fewer compromises, more success
Results of the hkp/// group study "Pay for Pioneers 2020 – Organization & Compensation in Corporate Start-ups"

Corporate start-ups: fewer compromises, more success

The hkp/// group study "Pay for Pioneers" has investigated the organizational integration of and compensation systems in corporate start-ups in Germany and highlights key aspects for the success of these projects. read more ...

Article Retain for Success: Employee retention for the upswing
David Voggeser & Leon Jacob interviewed by

Retain for Success: Employee retention for the upswing

In an interview with, the hkp/// group experts David Voggeser and Leon Jacob report on the balancing act of having to build up and reduce staff at the same time - and, above all, to retain employees who are critical to success. read more ...

Article Strong tool in times of uncertainty: Equity-based compensation
Results of the Global Equity Insights Survey 2020

Strong tool in times of uncertainty: Equity-based compensation

Ownership and employee engagement are the key objectives of equity-based compensation for companies worldwide, according to the recent Global Equity Insights Survey from the management consultancy hkp/// group. read more ...

Article John Pfeiffer new Senior Manager at hkp/// group
International HR and compensation expert strengthens the executive compensation business

John Pfeiffer new Senior Manager at hkp/// group

Beginning January 1, 2020, John Pfeffer joins hkp/// group as new Senior Manager. The international HR and compensation expert with experience in the raw materials and energy sector strengthens the executive compensation business. read more ...

Article Focus France: CEO compensation in Europe

Focus France: CEO compensation in Europe

CEO compensation levels in French CAC 40 companies have recorded a growth rate of 13.8% since 2017 – yet mainly due to changes in the index composition read more ...

Article For more sustainability in compensation
The former hkp/// group Senior Partner Joachim Kayser interviewed by

For more sustainability in compensation

Real estate is facing major challenges in a wide variety of different ways. A discussion with industry expert and former hkp/// group Senior Partner Joachim Kayser on backgrounds, solutions and the action that needs to be taken. read more ...

Article Pay for Pioneers – Start-up Compensation Survey 2.0
Participate and benefit from exclusive market insight

Pay for Pioneers – Start-up Compensation Survey 2.0

How does attractive compensation look like in start-ups? This is the key question hkp/// group's start-up study deals with for the second time. Participate now and benefit from exclusive market insights! read more ...

Article Identifying and eliminating the gender pay gap
hkp/// group compensation experts Jennifer S. Schulz and Sabrina Müsel interviewed by

Identifying and eliminating the gender pay gap

Many companies have put their compensation levels and processes to the cross-gender fairness test. talked to hkp/// group experts Jennifer S. Schulz and Sabrina Müsel. read more ...

Article Grading: Renaissance in difficult times interviewing Dr. Christine Abel and Petra Knab-Hägele

Grading: Renaissance in difficult times

Many companies consider cost-cutting measures. At the same time, the demand for job evaluation and grading projects is increasing. talks to hkp/// group experts Petra Knab-Hägele and Verena Vandervelt. read more ...

Article Miracle Cure Spot Bonuses?
David Voggeser and Florian Hauser interviewed by

Miracle Cure Spot Bonuses?

Many companies cut the link between individual performance and variable compensation and instead use spot bonuses for individual differentiation. David Voggeser and Florian Hauser on advantages and disadvantages of this instrument. read more ...

Article Entrepreneurship driven by equity-based compensation
Results of the Global Equity Insights Survey 2019

Entrepreneurship driven by equity-based compensation

Entrepreneurship and ownership are the key objectives of equity-based compensation for companies worldwide, according to the recent Global Equity Insights Survey from the management consultancy hkp/// group. read more ...

Article Transparency as an opportunity! talks with Martina Schüpbach and Johanna Rewald

Transparency as an opportunity!

In times of digitalization, company data transparency and its significance for talent and compensation management is also an issue undergoing changes. Companies should approach the topic with a critical but proactive eye. read more ...

Article This Side of Utopia: Performance Management and Reward speaks to Dr. Harriet Sebald and Joachim Kayser

This Side of Utopia: Performance Management and Reward

Performance management and how it impacts the way companies pay and develop executives and employees continues to be a topic that dominates the HR agenda. An interview on current trends and their impact. read more ...

Article Current Market Practice on Equity-based Compensation
David Voggeser and Andrew Thain interviewed by

Current Market Practice on Equity-based Compensation

In 2019, hkp/// group and the Global Equity Organization once again conduct the Global Equity Insights study - the biggest research on global market practices regarding equity-based compensation. read more ...

Article Equity-based compensation drives company performance
Equity driving performance and ownership culture

Equity-based compensation drives company performance

Companies take strong measures to develop a corporate equity culture. Results from the recent Global Equity Insights Survey. The hkp///group study is conducted in cooperation with the Global Equity Organization GEO read more ...

Article Commitment to employee participation rewarded
Employee participation as hkp/// group focus

Commitment to employee participation rewarded

Siemens, Equatex and hkp/// group receive Star Award of the Global Equity Organization GEO in Orlando. Commitment to employee equity-based participation in Germany rewarded. read more ...

Article Simple doesn't necessarily mean bad
Verena Vandervelt and David Voggeser interviewed by

Simple doesn't necessarily mean bad

For more and more HR departments, grading systems are becoming a matter of top priority – partly because of legal pressure to ensure transparency over pay, and partly as a prerequisite for dynamic, business-oriented HR management. read more ...

Article Equity-based compensation works
David Voggeser and Andrew Thain interviewed by

Equity-based compensation works

Equity-based compensation works - this is the major conclusion of the Global Equity Insights Survey 2017, an annual analysis of international market practice in the area of equity-based compensation. read more ...

Article Grading as enabler for compensation transparency
Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser interviewed by

Grading as enabler for compensation transparency

How grading or job evaluation systems can help to fulfill employees’ right on information under the new Pay Transparency Act. spoke to hkp/// group experts Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser. read more ...

Article Greater Transparency for greater Wage Equality spoke to Isabel Jahn and David Voggeser

Greater Transparency for greater Wage Equality

What should companies be doing to achieve greater equality of salaries and income for men and women in light of the new draft legislation from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth? read more ...

Article Designing and Implementing a Global System of variable Compensation
On-Site-Support: Case Study Global variable Compensation

Designing and Implementing a Global System of variable Compensation

Case study on hkp/// group's on-site support revising the system of variable compensation and related performance management processes for executives of a global tech company, introducing a new level of professionalism. read more ...

Article Putting company car policies to the test interview with Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser

Putting company car policies to the test

Company cars are highly desired status symbols for non-tariff employees. However, changing employee preferences, technological advance and greater environmental awareness mean that companies need to take action in this area. read more ...

Article Über den vermeintlichen Vorteil unlimitierter Vertriebsprovisionen
Interview with the hkp/// group sales compensation experts David Voggeser and John Pfeiffer

Über den vermeintlichen Vorteil unlimitierter Vertriebsprovisionen

In Aussicht gestelltes Geld wirkt positiv verhaltensstimulierend! Einblicke in Kernfragen von Führung und Vergütung im Vertrieb. read more ...

Article Management information, not data salad
Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser on compensation benchmarks

Management information, not data salad

Offering a competitive total compensation package is a key factor in attracting and retaining talented individuals for critical roles in companies. Firms need an overview of the compensation situation in their specific industry. read more ...

Article Sales compensation should reward actual sales success
hkp/// group Interview

Sales compensation should reward actual sales success

Challenges of developing effective sales compensation systems, in particular using hard and soft business targets. read more ...

Article On-Site-Support
Personnel Support and Interim Management


Whether you a need an experienced senior manager to take charge of your HR department or a team of young consultants to help you implement a new HR tool, we have the right solution for you. read more ...

Article Company cars: Driving e-mobility?
Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser interviewed by

Company cars: Driving e-mobility?

Germans have long been fascinated by automobiles – cars in general, and company cars in particular. But is that still the case today? hkp/// group experts Carsten Schlichting and David Voggeser on changes in company car regulations. read more ...

Article Carsten Schlichting joins hkp///
New Partner at hkp/// group

Carsten Schlichting joins hkp///

Bei hkp/// tritt mit Carsten Schlichting zum Juni 2012 ein ausgewiesener Experte für das Talent- und Performance Management sowie für Aspekte des HR-Managements im Mittelstand als neuer Partner ein. read more ...