Employee retention during the crisis: reduce fluctuation costs, retain top performers
The hkp/// group Retention Management Toolbox
Cost and process optimization, restructuring and downsizing are key concepts in times of crisis. At the same time, it is important to retain important talents. The Retention Management Toolbox supports you in this. read more ...
hkp// group consultants Karolin Schaper and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com
Performance Management quo vadis - the end of Best Practices?
Where is the journey in performance management heading to? hkp// group consultants Karolin Schaper and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com. read more ...
Institutional investors are increasingly focusing on ESG (environmental, social, governance) issues - HCM aspects are being prioritized more than ever
Investors’ focus on Human Capital Management – opportunity for HR
At first, the investors' focus was on financials, then governance issues played a key role, followed by a broader view on sustainability. In the meantime, human capital management (HCM) issues are being prioritized more strongly. read more ...
Mitarbeiterbindung in der Krise: Fluktuationskosten senken, Leistungsträger halten
The hkp/// group Retention Management Toolbox
Cost and process optimization, restructuring and downsizing are key concepts in times of crisis. At the same time, it is important to retain important talents. The Retention Management Toolbox supports you in this. read more ...
Development paths and career models in motion
Creating career and prospects
What drives and motivates employees now to advance their careers? How do we create development prospects that are attractive to all groups of the workforce? What does “career” mean in increasingly flat and agile organizations? read more ...
David Voggeser & Leon Jacob interviewed by hkp.com
Retain for Success: Employee retention for the upswing
In an interview with hkp.com, the hkp/// group experts David Voggeser and Leon Jacob report on the balancing act of having to build up and reduce staff at the same time - and, above all, to retain employees who are critical to success. read more ...
Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com
Simulations are no longer needed - talent management during the corona crisis
Organisations are repositioning themselves. HR sits in the planning cockpit, while at the same time it has to change own tasks. Frank Gierschmann reports on current challenges in talent management in the context of Corona. read more ...
Dr. Jan Dörrwächter and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com
Succession Planning - key task of Supervisory Boards
Why succession planning for managing board positions is an essential element of risk management within the company and what supervisory boards need to be aware of. Dr. Jan Dörrwächter and Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com read more ...
hkp.com talks with Martina Schüpbach and Johanna Rewald
Transparency as an opportunity!
In times of digitalization, company data transparency and its significance for talent and compensation management is also an issue undergoing changes. Companies should approach the topic with a critical but proactive eye. read more ...
Addressing potential candidates directly instead of using sophisticated aptitude testing
Recruiting Experts
Traditional recruitment methods often doesn’t fit to the requirements of expert candidates. What’s needed is a change of perspective – as Frank Gierschmann and Laura Hohmann, consultants at the hkp/// group, explain. read more ...
On-Site-Support: Case Study Talent Management
Interim Management as Head of Talent
Using hkp/// as a temporary external resource enabled an internationa service provider to bridge the gap left by the vacancy in a flexible and targeted way. All tasks needed to be carried out could be done in an efficient and timely manner. read more ...
hkp.com interview with Regine Siepmann and Frank Gierschmann
Succession Planning as essential Corporate Governance Aspect
The hkp/// group Survey “Succession planning for board members” shows: A functioning succession plan is still a central element enabling to fill vacancies as quickly as possible with the best suited candidates. read more ...
Developing tailor-made solutions for careers, recruitment and succession planning
Strategic talent management
What is the objective of our talent management? How does talent management add value to the business? How do we create an integrated talent management portfolio? read more ...
Consistent standards for evaluations and a shared vocabulary for performance management
Strategic competence management
How do we describe future requirements of the workforce? What demands does the digital transformation place on our staff? How do we match up our talent pool with our company’s needs? read more ...
Continuous and self-directed learning
Learning & Development
How do we identify current and future development needs? How do we encourage continuing and self-directed learning? What does individual and on demand learning look like in organizations? read more ...
Focus on performance and potential
Potential & Diagnostics
How are diagnostics paradigms changing? How can we measure actual learning capacity and resilience? How do we find tomorrow’s high achievers? read more ...
Succession management as a form of risk management
Succession & appointments
How do we make sure that talents are considered when staffing vacancies? How do we find the right “types” to appoint to positions that our critical for our success? How do we create a market for talents within our organization? read more ...
hkp/// group expert interview
Candidate Experience as Key in Agile Recruiting
Over recent years, attracting suitably qualified employees has emerged as a major success factor. hkp/// group Senior Manager Leon Jacob explains the background and the potential of candidate-focused recruiting. read more ...
From traditional Recruitment to modern Talent Acquisition
How are roles and processes mapped out in a modern recruitment? Which instruments are necessary for selecting new staff? How can a positive experience for the right applicants be guaranteed? read more ...
Redesigning Performance and Talent Management Systems
Best Practice and Fit for Purpose
Many firms are busy redesigning their performance and talent management systems. What trends and developments in the market should they follow, and which can they safely ignore? hkp.com spoke to Laura Hohmann und Leon Jacob. read more ...
Talent acquisition in an applicant-driven Environment
How can Companies leverage Recruiting to drive Success?
hkp.com spoke to hkp/// group expert Frank Gierschmann about the necessary transformation of recruiting practices and how professionals in the field need to adapt. read more ...
Personnel Support and Interim Management
Whether you a need an experienced senior manager to take charge of your HR department or a team of young consultants to help you implement a new HR tool, we have the right solution for you. read more ...
Laura Hohmann and Regine Siepmann interviewed by hkp.com
Succession planning for executive management
The latest hkp/// study shows that companies whether based in Germany or Austria or Switzerland attach the utmost importance on finding the best candidates to fill vacant executive management positions. read more ...
Gender quotas in business
What should companies be doing?
How to increase the proportion of women in management in the long term? hkp.com spoke to hkp/// group experts Leon Jacob and Laura Hohmann. read more ...
Frank Gierschmann interviewed by hkp.com
Self-nomination – an alternative Approach to Talent Management
The hkp/// Talent Pulse Survey "Self-nomination in talent management" reveals that more often German companies are using "self-nomination", a system whereby staff take on more responsibility for their own development. read more ...