Companies are well advised to actively manage the product and service portfolio offered by their HR departments: Which products should continue to be offered, which products should not? Which products should be newly introduced or adjusted?

In practice, the HR product portfolio is very rarely scrutinized. Unnecessary ballast from the past is carried along and administered, at a high cost. On the other hand, the portfolio regularly lacks services that enhance competitiveness and are expected by the top management, such as HR risk management or transformation management.

hkp/// group experts advise human resource departments on establishing active management of their product portfolio. They moderate pilot workshops to identify practices to be phased out, because they:

  • are not widely accepted in the organization,
  • demand costs and efforts that are not in a healthy balance with the benefit achieved,
  • or do not suit HR’s strategic orientation.

This process delivers a more compact and tailored product portfolio. Freed up capacities and budgets enable the inclusion of new and innovative products into the portfolio. hkp/// experts effectively apply their knowledge of the market to drive change. At the end of the process, the product portfolio better leverages value and costs less to administer – independent of process optimizations.

* Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash
Author Holger Jungk

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