Social and technological change, economic pressure for innovation and an increasingly strong candidate market: the transformations in the world of work have almost become a byword, but there is no doubt that the challenges facing organizations today are immense. But in order to manage these, it is imperative to be flexible and at the same time, more than ever before, focus on the most valuable asset, namely the employees. Organizations that manage to provide the space for a positive Employee Experience (EX) can look to the future with confidence!

Flexibility is the key to integrating HR clients - employees, managers and external candidates. hkp/// Employee Experience Design combines methods from Design Thinking, Service Design, Applied Improvisation & Co. with in-depth expertise across the entire spectrum of HR.

No matter whether in recruitment, cultural changes, personnel development or the solutions for remuneration and additional benefits: Flexible solutions provide HR managers with a powerful set of methods for client-oriented work and convert stakeholders into participants.

The starting point is a different attitude: employees are not considered a resource that is “managed” by HR. Rather, they are contributors, who invest their ideas, their talents, their strength and a large part of their lives in the company. To involve them in the working environment is only a logical step and creates added value for all stakeholders and the organization. Using EX Design, you can develop the right Employee Experience with HR and your clients in a broad range of areas. And an improved employee experience will ultimately lead to greater satisfaction, loyalty, innovation and productivity. This is why EX Design is highly relevant for operative business and business success.

Even if there are still some issues, which are particularly suitable for EX Design, the EX Design approach can be used successfully in all subject areas of HR. It will be our pleasure to illustrate how EX Design can be used by you in order to have a better understanding of the employee journeys of your employees, to identify what moments matter for your target groups and how you can develop and experiment with concrete prototypes within a short period of time and thus create a positive employee experience.

Author Frank Gierschmann

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