The demands of new working environments and the constant change associated with them challenge organizations to constantly evolve in order to continue their success story in times of fast and disruptive changes and to withstand high competitive pressure. The individual development of employees and their continuing education is also moving faster and faster as a result. Lifelong, flexible and self-directed learning is therefore steadily gaining in importance. More than at any other time before, staff are now responsible for making their own decisions about when and how they need to educate themselves to keep up with the demands of their job. High time to take a closer look at our understanding of learning & development within organizations!

Typical questions that lead to a critical discussion of learning & development are:

  • What does a learning & development strategy look like in a world where educational and training needs are less and less predictable but more and more individual?
  • How can we motivate employees to continuously learn and control that learning themselves?
  • How do we need to make development opportunities available that will meet the educational and training needs of both senior managers and the workforce?
  • Which learning opportunities can be digitalized? How and what added value does classroom training offer?
  • Which criteria must be taken into consideration when selecting and integrating external continuing education offers?

With a strategic approach to learning & development organizations will ensure that learning happens faster within the entity than external change in the market place. Self-directed on-demand training gives employees flexibility and autonomy as well as development opportunities. Integrating training activities into work processes enables staff to immediately apply what they have learned. And new forms of learning, such a gamification and virtual reality, increase the effectiveness and attraction of and motivation for personal continuing education.

hkp/// group experts are at hand to support organizations in developing a tailor-made learning & development strategy. This normally includes identification of current and future educational and training needs, structuring learning opportunities and their integration into the HR landscape. hkp/// group is always happy to assist organizations in selecting the right software for implementation of the strategy. The company also offers advice on how to map the training opportunities within the IT system and support with communicating the new approach to all relevant stakeholders and users.


* Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Author Dr. Harriet Sebald

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