Regine Siepmann, Senior Partner, is a member of the founding team of the hkp/// group. As an experienced consultant, she has been supporting Supervisory Boards and Corporate Offices in questions of sustainable Corporate Governance and compensation at the interface of HR, strategy and finance for about 15 years.

As head of the consulting practice Board Services at hkp/// group, her consulting focus includes the design and amount of executive compensation as well as the composition and evaluation of the working methods of Supervisory Boards and the investor-friendly communication of issues relevant to Supervisory Boards. Furthermore, she deals with the disclosure of the remuneration of board members according to national and international accounting standards and she is a member of the working group on executive compensation of the German Accounting Standards Committee (in German: Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V. - DRSC).

Regine Siepmann is involved in continuous education for Supervisory Boards and is active alongside Supervisory Board chairmen, investor representatives and academics in the working group Guidelines for Sustainable Management Board Remuneration. The Corporate governance expert is a member of the Association of Independent Compensation Consultants (VUVB) as well as a sought-after speaker and author of numerous specialist articles and publications.

Author Regine Siepmann

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