Succession management is concerned not so much with the employees themselves but more the positions within an organization. Succession management is a form of risk management: First, it must be ensured that the right successors are available at the right time, thus reducing the risk of the position remaining vacant.

Second, it involves the targeted and longer-term planning of a succession pipeline. Succession management thus serves as preparation for specific appointment processes and decisions.
As a result of German Corporate Governance, corporations have the duty to set up systematic succession management for the top management positions up to executive management and in the supervisory and administrative boards.

The experts of the hkp/// group provide support in the development of processes in succession management – even in conjunction with other HR processes such as the appointment process or performance management – and in the development of the right KPIs and how they are mapped in IT processes.

Furthermore, the experts of the hkp/// group support with the design of appointment processes, such as linking with important input processes like performance management and succession planning and implementing these processes – from the formulation of specific guidelines and rules (policy) to mapping in the IT systems.


* Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash
Author Dr. Harriet Sebald

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